Leadership model

For good results, the management model must stand on four pillars: Society and market, business, people and the executive himself. LPM® understands the management model as attitudes and behavior that correlate these four pillars to the expected results, adaptable to country-specific aspects.

The LPM® management model reflects the interdependent force fields, creates orientation and order for managers by describing the existing areas of tension between the dimensions and considers constant changes in the dimensions as an ongoing dynamic process.

Society and market: Market developments strongly influenced by the social environment and difficult to predict
Business: Rapid adaptation to new business models, rapidly developing innovation and cost pressure
People: Shifts in the demands on work and development of the Life Balance.
Manager: Quick adaptability, resilience and stress insensitivity.
The central task of leadership today is the ability to control transformation processes within the ongoing and mutual dependencies of the four pillars.

To expand and strengthen this foundation, three core functions are important:

Determination of the current position for the analysis of strengths and development fields as well as definition of a mission (identify)
Targeted change of one’s own actions, the management of employees and the company in the sense of the vision (change)
To provide excellent performance and continuous optimisation of leadership behaviour (to provide)
In management practice, these functions are superimposed by asynchronous developments in the dimensions, such as parallel introduction of a new product with simultaneous build-up of a sales team or personnel reduction in a plant with simultaneous process optimization in administration.

For managers, this constantly changing ambiguity results in important core competence requirements: Analysis skills, performance motivation and social adaptability, result orientation, resilience as well as the ability to communicate and cooperate are central to effective leadership in the future. The diagnostic approach of the LPM® Leadership Model collects such skills and synchronizes them with the LPM® Leadership Model. This allows a professional assessment of the current situation to be carried out and then translated into successful behaviour by means of subsequent development measures.

A further feature of the LPM® leadership model is job rotation, which aims to strengthen entrepreneurship within the management circle and consciously push singular skills into the background.