Design Transformation
The increasing pressure to change means that managers and employees have to adapt quickly to new developments and implement both larger and smaller changes silently. On the other hand, it can be observed that the longing of many organizational members for stability, calm and structure is growing. In view of this ambivalence, managers, academics and consultants have been working for some time on the question of how to successfully implement change processes.
As an answer, LPM® offers empirical values from numerous successfully implemented change management projects and findings from regularly implemented change management studies. Our understanding of change management implies the management of change with two equally meaningful and complementary approaches: The focus on Business Change and Behavioral Change. For the success of change processes in organizations, the strategy and efficiency-oriented alignment and reorganization of structures and processes is just as critical to success as the consideration of the significance of change processes for the people working in the company.
The LPM® transformation approach starts at three levels of the organization in order to ensure the sustainability and holistic nature of the change processes and the success of the project:

By considering “hard” and “soft” factors at all three levels of transformation, so-called “blind spots” are avoided, which arise from a purely structural/functional or culturally/behaviourally oriented approach. In all phases of change management, the integrative LPM® Transformation approach employs complementary project teams with both industry expertise and behavior-oriented HR management competence:
- We use pragmatic concepts that are geared to the specific needs and challenges of the individual company.
- Our concepts focus on feasibility and also address possible “soft” obstacles to implementation.
- We use effective and efficient implementation methods so that concepts become reality.
- We take the corporate culture seriously and consciously include it in our project organisation and control (decision / coordination culture etc.).
- We stand for empowerment and empower employees to implement necessary changes.