YOUR CHALLENGE The digital transformation is radically changing markets and companies and is thus not only challenging traditional organizational models. In addition, the requirements for ethically sustainable and value-driven corporate management are very high. However, the path to an agile corporate culture is a complex transformation process that, with professional support, leads to the goal much faster and with less stress. |
MY OFFER Whether individual teams or the entire organization, whether Scrum, Kanban, classic project management or an individual combination. After a brief thorough organizational analysis, we jointly determine the most suitable route into agility. Step by step, we dissolve rigid hierarchies and inflexible structures and find a culture of appreciative collaboration with lean processes – always at pace and with tools that fit your company. |

With our coaching offer, the focus is not so much on self-reflection as on action orientation, maintaining it and improving the ability to act. The offer for self-reflection only comes into consideration if the action orientations or even the ability to act are out of balance. Our solutions consist in handling self-reflection professionally in the sense of Deutero learning. We use this as metacompetence to regain the way to action competence. We rely on the concept of Siegfried Greif, who understood how to translate existing theories into practical approaches. This means that our coaching services are result-oriented and designed to achieve practical and evidence-based results in the interest of the client. We attach a great deal of importance to analysis and its systematic processing. The focal points of our coaching are like a bunch of keys, at the beginning the “Uncovering" of the problem, in the middle the “Covering" of solutions and to the “Closing" the question how to proceed.
Coaching Procedure
The implementation of a coaching by us is subject to certain conditions, without which a process supported by the relationship between coach and client cannot succeed. These requirements apply to both our coaches and our clients and should therefore be observed by both. If one of the following points is not given or not achievable, we will not accept a coaching assignment:
voluntariness, discretion, acceptance, self-management, transparency, willingness to change
Voluntariness: It must always be ensured that coaching is sought voluntarily and not “prescribed from above". Without this voluntariness, the insight necessary for successful coaching is lacking. As professional coaches we will not accept such assignments in the interest of the client. The same applies analogously to organizations. We already see the insight into the meaningfulness of coaching and the voluntariness as part of the change process.
Diskretion: The contents of the coaching are confidential and will not be forwarded “upwards" or to any other person/organization. If this is not guaranteed, the contractor feels controlled. A negative pressure to perform arises if consequences are to be expected. For professional coaching we need a transparent, constructive and fearless atmosphere. We do not see our coaching as a vicarious agent of an organization, but as a neutral consultant. Discretion is therefore one of the most important factors for us in order not to become a pawn in internal company politics. An organisation that wishes to have coaching should therefore grant the appropriate freedom for discretion. We do not accept other kinds of assignments, because we cannot achieve the desired success for them.
Mutual acceptance: Both the coach and the coaching itself must be accepted by the client. In addition to rational arguments, for which in particular the acceptance of the coach depends on emotional factors, i.e. the “chemistry" between coach and client must be right, mutual trust must be built up. Therefore we offer you the profiles of our coaches in order to be able to offer you a sufficient number of alternatives. For our coaches, your personal acceptance and trust are in the foreground, in addition to the factors already mentioned such as voluntariness and discretion. Our coach must be perceived by you in the relationship as an equal partner of integrity.
The contractor’s self-management skills must be available to a sufficient extent, because our coaching is not psychotherapy and cannot replace it. If an illness only becomes apparent during the coaching (e.g. a dependency illness), we will end or at least interrupt the coaching in our mutual interest and point out adequate treatment options.
Open-mindedness and transparency: Coaching can have a result-oriented effect primarily when challenging concerns are addressed. These concerns can be deficit-oriented (problems, conflicts, insecurities, weaknesses) or positively performance-oriented (competence expansion, work optimization, strengthening of strengths, personal growth). These concerns can be dealt with efficiently if there is an openness in coaching that goes beyond other discussion or consulting situations. Our clients sometimes (unconsciously) regard their concerns as “tricky" and are not used to discussing them – on the one hand because a “loss of face" is feared, on the other hand because it is unfamiliar to discuss one’s own ambition in an unembellished way and to be allowed to discuss it. Our coaches therefore create the necessary tension-free situations that encourage openness. Discretion is our greatest business value and our coaches will never act as evaluators, but always see themselves as independent consultants and want to be perceived as such. Our coaches prefer to work with transparent concepts. In concrete terms, this also means openly naming unpleasant facts, not being false polite in order to develop solutions that can be implemented together in an encouraging way.
willingness to change: This initially seemingly banal prerequisite proves to be one of the most difficult aspects of counselling work. Often our clients are not aware that he actually represents the attitude “wash me, but don’t wet me". Clients act in a convinced belief in their own will to change without considering that change may be particularly meaningful in situations where the willingness to change is scarce or seems unenforceable. Straight lines in our preliminary discussions we will address these points together with the client so that everyone is familiar with such situations in advance.
Phases of our coaching process
- Appointment (contact and initial conversation):
- Getting to know each other and building up relationships
- Checking the prerequisites
- Clarifying the initial situation
- >Creating initial relief if necessary
- Time:
- Explain further procedure
- Set formal contract
- Set game rules in contract
- Close objectives
Following Dates:
- Client support
- Giving neutral and well-founded feedback
- Carrying out interventions
- Setting homework tasks between appointments
- Promote self-reflection, activate self-help
Final date:
- Evaluation of the coaching (results, open questions)
- Determine formal end
Agree further interaction with each other and transfer control.