ProjeQtOr includes some tools to generate alerts, automatically send emails on chosen events, import or export data in various formats.

ProjeQtOr includes an import feature for almost all elements of project management, from CSV or XLSX files. All lists of items can be printed and exported to CSV and PDF format.The details of each item can be printed or exported in PDF format. The Gantt planning can be exported to MS-Project format (XML).

Internal alerts can be generated automatically based on defined events.
These alerts can also be dispatched as emails.It is also possible to manually send emails from the application, attaching the details of an item.It is also possible to retrieve answers to this type of email to save the message in the notes of the relevant item.

ProjeQtOr provides administrative features to manage connections, send special alerts and manage background tasks treatments.Moreover, the tool features its own CRON system, independent of the operating system and able to handle the PHP stop and restart.