Increase employee satisfaction with new workplace regulations.

Come into the office with a tie, watch your colleagues and stay at your desk from 8 to 16 o’clock. All that still exists. But in many occupational fields, traditional rules are loosening up. Correct behaviour in the office becomes less complicated. Our survey on Home Office 2016 shows what existing workplace regulations of the future should look like. Break them with seven former taboos that no longer shock anyone in many companies today.
Sometime retire to home office
Homeoffice has never been as easy as today, as almost everyone has an Internet connection. Most companies also offer secure access methods to access corporate data, and many workplace regulations have been adapted to provide clarity on how to access corporate data. In many cases there are also regulations on the extent to which employees in the company can use Home Office Days. In many industries, digitization makes it unnecessary to spend the whole day in the office. With the computer on its feet on the living room couch, things sometimes work even better. More and more companies are becoming aware of the fact that the performance of their employees does not decrease if they are allowed to spend part of their working time at home.
Walk home earlier too
Beginning early, because the child has a birthday or a friend has to be picked up at the airport, is not a knock-out criterion for a career in more and more companies. As long as there are exceptions and the tasks are completed on time, e.g. by starting earlier on the day in question or reworking in the evening. In even rarer cases, models with annual working time accounts already exist. More and more bosses show understanding for important private appointments.
Working on your own projects besides your job
Many work in their spare time on the development of an app or write a technical or non-fiction book or a novel? Just a few years ago nobody would have talked about it in front of their boss. The fear is too great that the external commitment could have a negative effect on the career. In the meantime, even canteen discussions about this are sometimes taken for granted, for example when a colleague is also studying. In some companies, these courses are already being promoted. Many companies have understood that employees who fulfil their personal dreams outside working hours are happier. And satisfied employees not only perform better, they also remain loyal to the company for much longer.
Having your own business clothing style
Forcing yourself day after day into a uniform jacket or into a simple white blouse is no longer necessary nowadays. The motto today is, as far as possible, casual clothing. Be it your favourite colour, a fancy cut or a combination. A clothing style that suppresses any form of individuality is now understood in many industries more as an expression of stuffness than as a sign of professionalism.
Wine at work
Breaking into tears in the office is not exactly the ideal situation. But there are those moments when everything simply becomes too much. In contrast to the past, when crying in the office was considered a taboo, today no boss will remove someone from the list for the next salary increase. The insight that we are all just human beings and that emotions happen has now prevailed in many companies.
To fall in love with a colleague
No boss will tolerate it if separation dramas take place on his office corridor. Neither does he want to be initiated into the details of a relationship. But although an office affair is rarely appropriate, it is no longer necessary to conceal it if a relationship has developed with a colleague. Dealing with it openly in the office has become a normal part of life.
Talk about your kids
In the past, too, you had a photo of your own children on your desk. But there was not much talk about the little ones at work. Above all, men who were enthusiastic about their last visit to the playground were quickly labelled as unsuitable softies. Today it is normal to give the colleagues a photo of the newborn daughter or to exchange about the progress of the son with the swimming course.