LPM® Academy Membership
We wish members who are pleased that the Academy exists as a facility to support lean business processes for shaping digital transformation in enterprises because it:
1) share the objectives and concerns of the Academy.
2) who consider a new entrepreneurial culture for full potential development desirable and feasible.
3) want to help shape this transformation process and support the necessary relationship culture change.
4) want to contribute the Academy’s goals to society on the basis of their experience as Key Note Speakers.
For personal encounters, constructive dialogue and the exchange of ideas, the Academy offers and organises:a) Virtual Live Meetings (International Networks of the Academy)
(b) regional meetings and workshops (regional networks of the Academy)
c) supraregional meetings (Biennial of Transformation Design)
Who can become a member?
All persons who acquire a share in the cooperative and follow the basic principles of the cooperative according to its statutes can become members of the academy. A person becomes a member of the Academy when he has submitted his declaration of membership on behalf of the cooperative and acquired a share certificate. The admission fee amounts to € 1,000 and is made up as follows: € 200 share certificate, € 800 admission fee (of which € 400 is used to support projects). Should you not be able to raise these contributions, we will try to find a sponsor for you. Candidates who are looking for a sponsor will only be introduced on the members page once we have found a sponsor for them. Are you interested in becoming a member?
Here is the membership application form: Application for membership
Please fill out, sign and send by post to Röttenbach to the board of directors. At the same time we ask for a photo (max. 500 KB) and a short introduction text (max. 250 characters incl. spaces) for the members’ page on the Academy’s website – please send an e-mail to Christian Bernert: mycw@me.com – The examples already listed in the “Members" section show what this should look like (clicking on the photo opens the text with the personal description). As soon as the admission fee has been credited to our account, we will post the photo and the text and send you the membership certificate.
Our Fellows play a special role within the Academy. These include all those people,
1) who have been gained as mentors (expert fellows) by the Executive Board on the basis of their experience in setting up the Academy.
2) Implement the development projects accompanied by the Academy in companies. (Research Fellows)
3) who participate in the development of the Academy in a special way through their idealistic or financial support. (Supporting Fellows)