The LPM Academy is designed as a virtual community. It consists of a central coordination office in Birmingham and is gradually extended by the establishment of regional coordination offices starting with Germany within Europe.
The LPM Academy’s focus is to establish a new agile corporate culture. Each employee, each supporter and each member is valued in its uniqueness and is never treated or used as an object of any evaluation, expectation, teaching or action. We deliver excellence and achieve our goals by inviting, encouraging and inspiring each other. We want to make it possible for everyone to discover and ignite the creative power that lies within him.
In the LPM Academy there are no leaders or functionaries, but there are people who have agreed to take responsibility for the performance of certain tasks and who support each other to the best of their ability.
The LPM Academy itself does not generate profits that are distributed to the employees and members, but earns revenues that are used for the maintenance and development of the activities and for the adequate remuneration of the employees.
The LPM Academy acts neither as a company nor as an association, but fulfils and lives the organisational principles of a cooperative. It belongs to its members and pursues and realises their interests.
The focus is on the development and dissemination of a new entrepreneurial culture, which makes it possible to promote a maximum of creative power and the implementation of projects and tasks with the innate desire for one’s own thinking and joint design. The development, demand and promotion of the respective talents and talents are in the foreground. For this reason, the Academy is oriented towards the common good in every respect and is non-profit-making.
The Academy’s activities are based on the cooperative’s charter. Download the charter.
A person becomes a member of the Academy when he has submitted his declaration of membership on behalf of the cooperative and acquired a share certificate. You want to become a member? Application for membership.
Decision-making bodies
The following committees are planned as decision-making and steering levels for the Academy’s activities:
1) General Assembly
2) Board of Directors
3) Supervisory Board
The financial resources necessary for the establishment and activities of the Academy will be allocated to the following expenditure:
1) Staff resources for staff payments
2) Rental costs for the office of the coordination centre
3) Acquisition costs (office equipment)
4) Costs for third-party services
5) Appropriations for lectures/ mentoring advice
These costs shall be covered by the following revenue:
1) Accession fee for members of the cooperative
2) Donations